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Nikolo Mitsishvili
Nikolo Mitsishvili

real name Nikoloz Sirbiladze, 8 November 1896 – 13 July 1937. poet, member of the Blue Horn group.


In 1917 he edited Golos Soldata, a newspaper for workers and soldiers published in Kutaisi. In 1918 he joined the Blue Horns, the order of symbolist poets. He regularly cooperated with periodicals published by the group, such as The Dreaming Gazelles, Poetry Day, Bakhtrioni, Barricade and The Rubicon. In 1921 he initiated the edition of the newspaper Figaro in Tbilisi.


His first collection of poems Saintliness was published in Tbilisi in 1922, while his second book The Black Star was published in Istanbul the same year. In 1922-1925 he lived abroad but was actively involved in the literary life of Georgia. After his return, in 1926-1928 he edited the magazine Kartuli Mtserloba, was one of the founders of the Literature Foundation and its first director. In his last years he edited the Russian language newspaper Zaria Vostoka.


He was arrested on 2 June 1937 and executed on 13 July 1937.

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