Bruin Teddy
- 978-9941-310-45-4
- Category:
- Books For Children
- Pages:
- 88
- Format:
- 20.5x22
- Cover:
- Hard
- Price:
- 31.00
My friend,
if you want to meet a footballer kitten Kusa, singer crow, hard-working leveret and his neighbours Tia, Tsia, Pepela (butterfly in Georgian) and Lado, or the zoo inhabitant three kittens – Tseta, Zanta and Butia. If you want to learn calculus, Georgian alphabet, music notes, lies and truth, if you want to play jumping-rope with me, decorate a Christmas Tree and hear Father Christmas‘s tales, learn what the rabbit wrote to the squirrel, what stories squirrel Tsira has to tell, how they celebrated piggy’s birthday, who won grasshoppers’ marathon, what made number five ill, where little Dato’s hat got lost, where the strange locomotive is heading to, why the elephant always walks barefoot, then let’s be friends and we will together read the poems of my favorite writers – Esma Oniani, Otar Chiladze and Givi Chichinadze, that they wrote especially for us.
With love,
Bruin Teddy
With Sopho Kirtadze’s illustrations.