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Zurab Karumidze
Zurab Karumidze
Born in 1957, Zurab Karumidze graduated in English from Tbilisi State University and was awarded a PhD in 1984 for a dissertation on Wit and Conceit in the Poetry of John Donne. He worked for years as a research associate for the Centre of XX Century Literary Studies at Tbilisi State University. In 1994-95 he spent a period at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee as a visiting Fulbright Scholar, studying post-modernist American meta-fiction.
Two of his short stories were published in the US (Clockwatch Review, Bloomington, IL, 1996). His publications include a collection of short stories OPERA, novels THE WINE-DARK SEA; OF GOATS AND MEN and DAGNY OR A LOVE FEAST, a novel written in English, which was longlisted for the Dublin International Literary Award in 2012 and later published by Dalkey Archive Press in the US. Zurab Karumidze has also written two highly acclaimed novels: Caucasian Foxtrot and Jazzmine, which gained instant success among Georgian readers. His novella BASHI-ACHUK OR MOBY
DICK about prison abuses in Georgia came out in 2013. He co-edited (with James Wertsch) the book Enough: Rose Revolution in the Republic of Georgia 2003 (Nova Science Publishers, New York, 2005). He also compiled and edited the book In Search of Lost Space: Politics of Culture in Post-Soviet Georgia (2010), and a collection of essays in English Georgia’s European Ways: Political and Cultural Perspectives (2015). His book on the history of jazz music, THE LIFE OF JAZZ, came out in 2009 and won Georgia’s top Literary Award SABA. Intelekti published his novel Untergang or Journey Though Europe in 2018 for which the author was awarded LITERA PRIZE
For several  years he has been an international fellow of the Centre for Humanities at the Washington University in St. Louis. He has also worked for the International Foundation for Sustainable Development, and Open Society – Georgia Foundation. Currently he is a foreign policy adviser to the Government of Georgia.
Karumidze’s works have been translated into English, German and Turkish.
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